Saturday, May 30, 2009

FAITH Riders

We have joined a group called FAITH Riders, sanctioned by the Southern Baptist Convention. You can check out their website at . The local chapter we joined is out of Boynton Baptist Church in Catoosa County. It is the closest one to us. Dr. Keith Mcleod, the pastor, has just gotten a 2005 Hondo VTX 1300, his first bike in a long time, so we had small three hour ride today. We met at Ingles in Ringgold, and went south on 151 to 136 and crossed Taylor Ridge, went east to the Pocket Road and road south through the Pocket to Floyd Springs. We hit 156 west to 27, and came 27 north back to LaFayette, where we split off from the group. They were going to Chickamauga and then back to Ringgold. The group is just getting organized so there were just 5 bikes today, but we had a really nice ride. They are expecting the group to grow in the coming months. They were a very nice group of folks and we really enjoyed the fellowship.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday Adventure

Papa and I finally got a chance to take a decent ride. We had to take the trike to Atlanta for it's 1,000 mile check up. This was the first long trip we have made. We really enjoyed the ride. The interstate is okay, but I prefer the slower pace of the back roads, especially on the bike. Since we had to wait almost four hours while they serviced the bike, Jessica and Zachary came out and picked us up, and we met Stephen and went to lunch. We enjoyed spending time Jessica and Zachary, he is such a card. Bless his little heart, he is so much like his daddy and Papa and Uncle Dude, he doesn't have a chance. He still won't get on the bike when it is running, but he really enjoyed seeing all the bikes at Killer Creek. They had a lot out today, they were having a "Sidewalk Sale".

Monday, May 25, 2009

Riding In The Rain

Everybody has heard the song "Singing in the Rain", well today, Papa and I went riding in the rain! Seems like the only way we will get to ride our Harley is to ride it in the rain! We rode about 85 miles, and we didn't get too wet, but we ran through about a half dozen little showers, but all in all it was still enjoyable, and at least we got to ride!!!!!Maybe the weather will break soon so we can ride more often and for longer trips.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day. We should all remember all the soldiers who have made it possible for us to do the things we enjoy doing, whenever we want to.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Zachary loves the outside, as a matter of fact it is hard to get him to go inside!

Zachary and the John Deere

Zachary finally decided today it was okay to get on the tractor, he just doesn't want you to crank it.

Zachary and the Harley

Zachary finally decided it was okay to sit on Papa's trike, he's getting braver!